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Headteacher Well Being Virtual Conference

Join us on the 5th November for our first Headteacher Well Being Virtual Conference. The agenda for the day is: 

8:30am - sign in opens
9:10am: Welcome - Chris McDonald
9:15am: Compassionate Leadership + Q and A - Dame Alison Peacock
9:55am: Reducing Observational Bias + Q and A - Ross Morrison McGill (Teachertoolkit)
10:35am: Comfort break
10:45am: "I'm very polite to you, you're very polite to me." + Q and A Barry Smith
11:30am: Creativity in Reading and Writing+ Q and A - Pie Corbett
12:15pm - Lunch break and end of session
12:45pm - OFSTED update with Claire Jones HMI Specialist Advisor: Policy, Quality and Training (Schools and Early Education)
1:30pm "Reading for pleasure and the reading community" + Q and A - Professor Teressa Cremin
2.15pm If this was your last year in teaching… + Q and A - Adrian Bethune


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