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Developing a Curriculum and Assessment Framework

JUSCO and colleagues from across phases have joined Doctor Mick Walker in two online webinars as he discussed developing a curriculum and assessment framework. 

The first webinar which was recorded on 20th October 2021 was aimed at school leadership teams. The second webinar which was recorded on 3rd November 2021 was aimed at school teaching staff. 

Developing a curriculum and assessment framework: aligning the Cart and the Horse - Leadership team briefing with Mick Walker

In this film Dr Mick Walker discusses how a school or group of schools might consider developing a curriculum and assessment framework. Recorded 20th October 2021

Doctor Mick Walker: Developing a curriculum and assessment framework: aligning the Cart and Horse.

Doctor Mick Walker: Developing a curriculum and assessment framework: aligning the Cart and Horse. Whole staff meeting recorded 3rd November.

All of our films and presentation downloads are now available in our member's area.