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Discussion with Professor Becky Allen and Mick Walker: Curriculum, Assessment and Interventions

Webinar think piece - Professor Becky Allen and Mick Walker

In this Webinar think piece - Professor Becky Allen and Mick Walker discuss curriculum, assessment and the use of interventions.

About the contributors:


Professor Becky Allen

Becky Allen is co-founder and Chief Analyst at Teacher Tapp, the daily survey and CPD tool. From 2014-2017, she founded and led the highly successful independent research organisation, Education Datalab. Becky was Professor of Education at UCL Institute of Education until December 2018. She is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.

She tweets as @profbeckyallen

You can read her blog at

Becky is co author of "The Teacher Gap" with Sam Simms.

Becky discussed her book is a wide ranging interview with Craig Barton as part of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast series. You can find the episode here:


Mick Walker

Mick Director was former Acting Director of QCA and Executive Director of Education at the QCDA he was accountable for national curriculum assessments and supporting the delivery of general qualifications. He was an adviser to the DfE Expert Group on Assessment in 2009 and more recently supported the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) Commission on Assessment and was a member of the DfE Independent Teacher Workload Review Group. 

Mick is a member of the advisory board for Evidence Based Education and Frog Education

He tweets as @MickGWalker

Links mentioned in this film:

Direct Instruction: A Thales Academy Short Film

Direct Instruction (DI) is a teaching method used at Thales Academy in Pre-K through 5th Grade. Direct Instruction was developed by Siegfried Engelmann in the 1960's and features carefully planned lessons, grouping by skill level, and teaching to mastery to build a robust foundation of learning in the early grades.

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