JUSCO Steering Group:
Our steering group meet once a term to plan JUSCO's development.
Group membership:
Chair: Chris McDonald
Vice Chair: Claire Williams / Dave Cates
Treasurer: Steve Davies
JUSCO Board of Directors:
JUSCO Ltd is a company limited by guarantee. The company's board of Directors are all serving Headteachers / Deputy Headteachers / Assistant Headteachers and are:
Cathy Styles
Cathy Styles BEd(Hons) graduated from Charlotte Mason College (Lancaster University) in 1990. She has worked in Cumbria in various schools and roles over her career, including four years working in the Local Authority’s School Improvement Team as a consultant. Cathy has been the Headteacher at Croftlands Junior School since 2009.
Claire Williams
Claire has been head teacher at Bournville Junior School since 2014, and acting head at Bournville Infant School since 2018, both schools are in South Birmingham. The two schools amalgamate in April 2019 and will be known as Bournville Village Primary School. She agrees with C.S.Lewis when he said, ‘You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me’.
Dave Cates
Eleanor Losse
Emily Stevens
My role within education over the past fifteen years has been primarily focused in KS2 provision. This led to my successful appointment as head of a junior school in County Durham in 2015. Within this role, and previous posts, I have developed a particular interest in inclusion and effective assessment.
Gerry Healy
Gillian Coulton
Steve Davies
Steve is the headteacher at Hartford Junior School in Huntingdon. He qualified as a teacher and taught in Oxford for 10 years before taking up his headship in 2015. He believes brevity is the soul of wit.
Jody Le Bredonchel
Jody Le Bredonchel is an Assistant Head Teacher at Ilfracombe Junior School in North Devon where he trained as a teacher in 2004 and has remained ever since. He has enjoyed taking part in the many challenging conversations that have taken place within the Jusco group and is looking forward to the group’s future focus on working ever more collaboratively at an exciting time within primary education.
Shirley Gruffydd
Chris McDonald