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Junior School Collaboration

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  • Jamie Pembroke's analysis of Junior school baseline data - complete video and presentation

    Sun 08 Jul 2018 Chris McDonald

    You can view Jamie's presentation to JUSCO and download a pdf version of his presentation here:

    Thanks to everyone who shared their data with us. 

  • JUSCO response to the announcement by Damian Hinds, Secretary of State for Education "Principles for a clear and simple accountability system"

    Fri 04 May 2018 Chris McDonald

    JUSCO welcomes the statement by Damian Hinds, Secretary of State for Education that acknowledges the “...long shadow of accountability” and the fear that is associated with the current arrangements. We fully welcome the consultation, announced today, to examine accountability and support for schools.


    The challenges faced by Junior / Middle Schools, acknowledged by the Department for Education and OFSTED, have meant that Junior / Middle schools were more likely to be deemed a coasting school (11% of Junior / Middle schools compared with 3% of Primary schools based analysis by Education Data Lab*).

    The clarification around the respective roles of OFSTED and the Regional Schools Commissioners, as well as when formal intervention by the RSC will take place, is recognised as a positive and helpful step.

    JUSCO has welcomed the positive engagement shown by the Department for Education (including the National / Regional Schools Commissioner) and OFSTED. We have embraced the opportunity to play a full part in the consultation as we all work together to continue to improve the education system for our children.



  • JUSCO response to the Department for Education "Measuring Progress in Primary Schools" announcement

    Wed 11 Apr 2018 Chris McDonald

    The Junior School Collaboration (JUSCO) welcomes the announcement by the Department for Education that, with the introduction of reception baseline assessment, Junior schools will no longer have their progress measured from Key Stage One. We are pleased that the Department for Education, OFSTED and the National School Commissioner have engaged with JUSCO and have recognised the different challenges that Junior schools face; this is a positive example of the Department engaging with the profession in the best interests of our children. JUSCO now look forward to continued collaboration during the interim period and beyond.


    JUSCO would like to take this opportunity to thank for their expertise and support:


    Sean Harford - National Director of Education OFSTED

    Liz Twist - NFER

    Dave Thomson - Education Datalab

    Jamie Pembroke - Sig Plus

    James Bowen - NAHT

  • JUSCO meeting with Matthew Purves HMI to discuss the revised OFSTED 2019 Inspection handbook

    Thu 15 Mar 2018 Chris McDonald

    JUSCO Steering Group present: Dave Cates, Claire Williams, Gillian Coulton, Shirley Gruffyd, Jody Lebredonchel, Andrew Jolley, Chris McDonald


    On Tuesday 6th March some of the JUSCO Steering Group met with Matthew Purves who is currently revising the 2019 OFSTED handbook. We were also joined by Liz Twist Head of Assessment Research and Product Development from the NFER and Dave Thomson Chief Statistician from Education Data Lab.


    Matthew was clear that he wanted the 2019 framework to enable inspectors to judge fairly the setting they were in and enabled inspectors to recognise progress from children’s starting points. He wanted there to be an open conversation around progress, not just published data and that it would be not just possible but natural that inspectors recognise the context of the setting that they are in. He noted that Junior schools are subject to an artifact of the data.  


    An additional revision to the 2019 Handbook is that any reference to schools being judged inadequate after a third “Requires Improvement” judgement will be removed.


    Matthew set out the four key stages and four key areas of the revised inspection framework for 2019:

    • Purpose: What is the inspection trying to find out?

    • Evidence: What is the evidence that derives from education research?

        • Quality of education - what does evidence say quality education looks like?

    • How: Which looks at measures: Are they valid / reliable?

      • Valid: Is there enough of the right evidence to justify this judgement?

      • Reliable: Repeatable

    • How can the above be put together in an inspection event?


    He went on to say that currently the inspection framework does not give “Curriculum” as prominent a place in inspection as it should be and that it is currently judged in other areas.  Ofsted is considering looking more holistically at the quality of education being provided, drawing together the curriculum, teaching and use of assessment. He noted that the 2019 framework would have the curriculum at its heart.


    In the revised curriculum Leadership and Management remains as important as previously as this is supported by research.


    Safeguarding remains as important as previously but with a possible driving question of “How is OFSTED identifying good practice and how is OFSTED helping develop safeguarding?”


    It is currently being considered whether inspection should look at whether resources are used efficiently and effectively, since this is one of Ofsted’s responsibilities under inspection legislation. This previously featured in inspections and it is currently a matter of debate as to whether and how this should become a focus once more. It was noted however, that this may be investigated and reported upon differently than previously.  


    The JUSCO steering group shared concerns about how baseline data was treated when presented to inspectors which was a key concern raised by our survey. We also shared concerns around how inspection teams treated Infant schools that had been moderated and a shared understanding of what moderation demonstrated.


    Andrew Jolley suggested the following statement be included in the 2019 inspection framework:


    When inspectors are judging achievement within a junior school they should recognise that KS1 data may not be valid or reliable, as a baseline. Consequently, this may not enable an accurate assessment of progress or attainment at the end of KS2 (low, middle and high attainment groups are directly affected).


    It is not possible to determine an the effect size for an individual school. As local teacher assessment judgements vary significantly and on a large range of factors the effect size on an individual Junior school will vary significantly. Caution should therefore be used when determining initial, pre inspection, hypotheses and key lines of enquiry on the IDSR– particularly, but not limited to, smaller groups of pupils; disadvantaged, low, middle and higher performing groups.


    It is important that inspectors within Junior school settings give significantly greater weight to observed practice; children’s outcomes within books and through discussion; and schools own data, where this can be shown to be robust, valid and reliable. In doing so, Inspectors will be able to triangulate their judgements with greater confidence, validity and reliability.


    Matthew asked for a copy of this statement to be sent to him for him to consider.


    Dave Thomson from Edudatalab discussed how Edudatalab has demonstrated progress from Junior schools.

    Dave discussed how Edudata lab had recalculated value added indicators adjusting PAG group scores based on Junior school outcomes and also by calculating progress from Early Years Foundation Stage Profile scores. Reports based on calculating Value Added from Early Year Foundation Stage Profile has been shared at the previous JUSCO conference.


    Liz Twist from NFER discussed the NFER Baseline Project which would look at the relationship between Scaled Scores in Year 2 and standardised scores in year 3. The project would give a progress measure. Matthew was happy to be part of the conversation around baseline moving forwards.


    Outcomes from the meeting:

    • Matthew committed to look at the data briefing for inspectors, the IDSR. He committed to look at how this can support and fairly represent Junior Schools and Middle Schools. JUSCO has invited Matthew to a steering group meeting focusing on data which he has committed to attend or to send an appropriate representative. JUSCO will invite: Dave Thomson, Liz Twist, Jamie Pembroke, Maze Education, Daisy Christodoulou, Richard Selfridge, Michael Tidd, James Bowen. A date is to be arranged.  

    • Matthew committed to look at training for inspectors and noted that OFSTED will have training opportunities with inspectors several times before the new framework is introduced. JUSCO asked we could be part of the conversation and offer input moving forward and Matthew confirmed that this would be possible.

  • JUSCO Conference 27th April 2018 "From Diagnosis to cure"

    Thu 22 Feb 2018 Chris McDonald

    This year's theme: From Diagnosis to Cure

    Last year saw the inaugural JUSCO conference which brought together a range of teachers and leaders from junior schools up and down the country.
    During the day a range of expert speakers highlighted the significant issues and pressures faced by junior schools when it comes to school accountability and performance data. The message was clear: the system is unfair.
    This second conference provides another opportunity for Junior school leaders to come together in order to consider and discuss the current issues they face. There will be a further opportunity to hear from leading thinkers in school accountability, inspection and assessment. This year’s theme is ‘from diagnosis to cure’ with the focus being on not just highlighting the problem, but also exploring potential solutions.
    This year's speakers include: 

    • Sean Harford: HMI, National Director, Education at OFSTED
    • Daisy Christodoulou: Director of Education at No More Marking
    • Jamie Pembroke (Sig+): Data Analyst and Advisor with 10 years experience in primary, secondary and post-16 sectors. 
    • Professor Sam Twisleton: Director of Sheffield Institute of Education at Sheffield Hallam University
    • David Weston: Chief Executive of the Teacher Development Trust
    • James Bowen: Director NAHT Edge
    • Liz Twist: Head of Assessment Research and Product Development assessment

    Lunch and morning / afternoon refreshments are included in the ticket price. 


    You can book your place here: 

  • Introducing our #JUSCO "SEF Surgery"

    Sun 28 Jan 2018 Chris McDonald

    The concept behind the SEF surgery is that colleagues have an opportunity to review and discuss each other's SEFs and offer support and advice. It means that colleagues have the chance to support each other by acting as a "Critical friend".


    How does it work?

    Colleagues who would like to have their SEF become part of a "SEF surgery" send their SEF and any other information that supports it to

    The SEF is then shared in PDF format via a link so that colleagues, who are part of the surgery, have a chance to read it in advance of the surgery taking place. 

    The surgery itself takes place using a Gotomeeting webinar. The session is recorded and the video is given to the colleague who shared their SEF to remind them of the conversation that took place. The video is not placed in the JUSCO video Library - unless the colleague requests that this happens. 


    How often do they take place? 

    The SEF surgery will take place on alternate Fridays at 2pm during term time. 


    How do I register to take part in the "SEF surgery"

    An email will be sent to all colleagues on the mailing list with a link for registration. 


    Is there a charge? 

    No, it is part of the Junior School Collaboration's work to support each other. 


  • JUSCO Practise SATS week (Using 2016 papers) - dates added to calendar (Week beginning 5th Feb 2018)

    Sun 19 Nov 2017 Chris McDonald
    At a recent meeting of our Steering Group, we agreed that we would have a date for JUSCO schools to carry out the 2016 SATs papers. The date we decided upon was the week beginning the 5th February. 
  • Avoiding the data trap with Jamie Pembroke powerpoint is available for download

    Sat 04 Nov 2017 Chris McDonald
    Thanks to everyone who was able to come to the "Avoiding the data trap" conference with Jamie Pembroke. You can download his presentation by clicking on this link: Or by going to the site menu: About Us - Conference Presentations
  • Our DFE Assessment consultation - next steps forward survey is now live!

    Fri 03 Nov 2017 Chris McDonald

    JUSCO were recently invited to the Department of Education to discuss Junior School accountability in light of the published DFE Assessment Consultation. 


    We would like to present a clear view of members to the Department of Education / Regional School Commissioners and OFSTED when we meet with them. 


    This survey will close on the 30th November. You can complete the survey here

  • Avoid the data trap with Jamie Pembroke 3rd November - booking now open

    Sun 15 Oct 2017 Chris McDonald

    Details of our up coming course with the wonderful Jamie Pembroke can be found here:

All of our films and presentation downloads are now available in our member's area.